
Showing posts from June, 2020

प्री-प्रायमरी और प्रायमरी ऑनलाइन कक्षाओं पर रोक

प्री-प्रायमरी और प्रायमरी ऑनलाइन कक्षाओं पर रोक माध्यमिक कक्षाएँ 2 सत्रों में 30 से 45 मिनट की होंगी   भोपाल : गुरूवार, जून 18, 2020, 20:29 IST राज्य शासन ने ऑनलाइन कक्षाओं के संचालन की समय अवधि निर्धारित करते हुए प्री-प्रायमरी और प्राथमिक कक्षाओं के ऑनलाइन संचालन पर पूर्णत: प्रतिबंध लगाया है। राज्य शिक्षा केन्द्र द्वारा जारी आदेश अनुसार कक्षा 6 से 8 तक ही ऑनलाइन कक्षाएँ प्रतिदिन 2 सत्र में अधिकतम 30 से 45 मिनट प्रति सत्र ही आयोजित की जा सकेंगी। उल्लेखनीय है कि प्रदेश में कई परिवार/छात्र-छात्राओं के पास डिजिटल डिवाइस अथवा डेटा रिचार्ज की समस्या भी परिलक्षित हो रही है। कतिपय स्रोतों द्वारा यह भी संज्ञान में लाया गया है कि कुछ निजी शालाओं द्वारा अनियंत्रित एवं लंबी अवधि की ऑनलाइन कक्षाएँ संचालित की जा रही हैं। दूरस्थ शिक्षा, विशेषकर मोबाइल/लैपटॉप/कम्प्यूटर के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन कक्षाओं से कम आयु वर्ग के बच्चों में संभावित दुष्प्रभाव तथा उनके अभिभावकों के लिये उत्पन्न हो रही कठिनाइयों के दृष्टिगत नि:शुल्क और अनिवार्य बाल शिक्षा का अधिकार नियम में निहित शक्तियों का प्रयोग करत

Attention! CBSE syllabus 2020-21 changed as per new NCERT academic calendar: Check here

Attention! CBSE syllabus 2020-21 changed as per new NCERT academic calendar: Check here The CBSE syllabus for the 2020-2021 academic year has been reduced because NCERT has come up with a new academic calendar due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Check out the full changed syllabus here! NO change in syllabus No in The weightageofunit 1 and unit 3 has changed from 10 marks to 12 marks and 14 marks to 12 marks respectively. The Of periods Of unit I. 2 and 3 has been changed from 23.23, 34 to 27, 27, 26 respectively. Topic "Secondary growth' has been added to 6. Experiment Number 4 has been divided "Ito two is tissues and diversity in shapes and size of plant cell md is tissues and diversity in shapes size of animal cells. Thræ experiments have been deleted from B. Of StLKfy of Hibibitön seeds/raisins. Observation and comments on the experimental up for showmg: • Anaerobic respiration (b) Phototropism (c) Effect of apical bud removal Study of


ONLINE TEACHING METHDOLOGY WAYS TO                  TEACH STUDENTS DURING CORONA PERIOD                               EASY ENGLISH As we all know due to covid-19 pandemic LEARNER are confined to their homes and so are teachers.   Teachers educators,teachers and parents need to find ways to deal with this unprecedented situation. ‘NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF CHANGE -The time has come for all of us to change and adopt   the new teconology .Now flipped classroom is the need   of the hour.So lets come and understand what is flipped classroom. A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning focused on student engagement and active learning, giving the instructor a better opportunity to deal with mixed levels, student difficulties, and differentiated learning preferences during in-class time. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been wihomework , into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, s

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense (Francis Bacon) Of Expense Textbook Exercises Of Expense Introduction This essay teaches us how we should manage our financial matters. The author instructs his readers to be discreet in spending money. He wants them to spend only a fixed portion of their income to avoid future uncertainties. Of Expense Summary in English Riches are for spending honourably and in noble actions. Extraordinary expenses must be limited by the worth of the occasion and by a man’s estate. We should spend the money thoughtfully so that the servants might not deceive us or abuse our money. A wise man’s expenses never exceed half of his irıcome. There is no harm for a great man to look into his own estate to avoid sorrow. If we are plentiful in some kind of expense, we must be frugal in certain other kinds. He who is plentiful in expenses of all kin