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MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense (Francis Bacon) Of Expense Textbook Exercises Of Expense Introduction This essay teaches us how we should manage our financial matters. The author instructs his readers to be discreet in spending money. He wants them to spend only a fixed portion of their income to avoid future uncertainties. Of Expense Summary in English Riches are for spending honourably and in noble actions. Extraordinary expenses must be limited by the worth of the occasion and by a man’s estate. We should spend the money thoughtfully so that the servants might not deceive us or abuse our money. A wise man’s expenses never exceed half of his irıcome. There is no harm for a great man to look into his own estate to avoid sorrow. If we are plentiful in some kind of expense, we must be frugal in certain other kinds. He who is plentiful in expenses of all kin

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Chapter 2 The Happy Prince I class 10

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 2 The Happy Prince MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 2 The Happy Prince (Oscar Wilde) The Happy Prince Textbook Exercises The Happy Prince Vocabulary 1. Make a list of words ending in -logy. example: Ornithology Answer: List of words ending in -logy Anthropology – Physiology Biology – Radiology Cardiology – Venerology Dermatology – Zoology Geology – Gynecology Microbiology – Ophthalmology Pathology – Pharmacology II. (a) Collect the synonyms of the following words by consulting a dictionary: admire, happy, famous, lovely, see, walk, slumber. Answer: Words – Synonyms Admire – praise, appreciate, esteem Happy – pleased, delighted contented, felicitous Famous – renowned, distinguished, noted Lovely – pleasant, pretty, charming, enchanting See – look, behold, view Walk wander, stroll, tread, move Slumber – repose, nap, sleep (b) Collect the antonyms of the following wor