Attention! CBSE syllabus 2020-21 changed as per new NCERT academic calendar: Check here

Attention! CBSE syllabus 2020-21 changed as per new NCERT academic calendar: Check here

The CBSE syllabus for the 2020-2021 academic year has been reduced because NCERT has come up with a new academic calendar due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Check out the full changed syllabus here!

NO change in syllabus 

No in 

The weightageofunit 1 and unit 3 has changed from 10 marks to 12 marks and 14 

marks to 12 marks respectively. 

The Of periods Of unit I. 2 and 3 has been changed from 23.23, 34 to 27, 

27, 26 respectively. 

Topic "Secondary growth' has been added to 6. 

Experiment Number 4 has been divided "Ito two is tissues and 

diversity in shapes and size of plant cell md is tissues and diversity in 

shapes size of animal cells. 

Thræ experiments have been deleted from B. Of 

StLKfy of Hibibitön seeds/raisins. 

Observation and comments on the experimental up for showmg: 

• Anaerobic respiration (b) Phototropism (c) Effect of apical bud removal 

Study of rnorphology of cockroæh thrwgh virtual 

Term •sacred groves ' has been added into Chapter 15. 

No change 


Topics Discovery Of Electron, Proton Neutron atomic number. isotopes and iscbars. 

Thomson's model and its limitations. Rutherforcfs model and its I*nitations' have been 

added to Unit 2 (Structure Of Atorn)_ 

Topics Significarce of classification and brief history of the development of periodÉ 

table' have added to unit 3 (Classification of Elements in 


The name of Unit 11 ("block Elements) has to 'Some Elements. 

under QIW'tR•tWe a practical •Using a chemical balance' has 

changed to •usinq a mechanical balance/electronic balance'. 

under QWR•tWe cations AS has added and aniOV NO - has been 



A new chapter 'Solid State' has been added as Unit 1. Thus sequence Of units has also been 


In Unit 7 (pblock Elements), Group-15 Elements have been added and its number Of 

periods also changed from 14 to 12. 

The number Of period Of Units 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 has been changedfrom 12 to 10, 12t0 

10, 14 to 10, 12 to 10 and 6 to 8 respectively. 

The name Of unit 13 (Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen) has been changed to 


Topics 'Cyanides and Isocyanides' have been deleted from Unit 13 (Amines). 

Topics Classification—natural and synthetic and Methods Of polymerization 

(addition and condensation)' have been added to unit 15 (polymers). 

The total number Of periods has been reduced to 60 from 80. 

• under Analysis, in cation As3• has been added and C02• has been deleted. 

Further in anions, NOS- has been added. 

Computer Science-11 

Total : 3 units 


Total : 4 units 

Unit 1 

Unit 2 

unit 3 

Unit 4 

practice papers 

Computer Science—12 


Total : 4 units 

Unit 1 

Unit 2 

Unit 3 

Unit 4 

Practice Papers 

Total-2 projects 


Total 3 units 

Unit 1: 5 % matter need to be added 

• (approx .)20 % matter need to be added 

unit 2. 

unit 3. 

• Totally deleted 

• (approx. 50 % matter need to be added. 

Unit 4. 

practice papers : 40% change required 


: 30% matter need to be added 

unit 1 

(approx.) 40% matter need to be added 

unit 2: 

(approx.) 50% matter need to be 

Unit 3. 


Unit 4: Totally deleted 

Practice papers : 40% change required 

Projects : Out of 2 projects —one project is not 


Topic 'Sampling and non-sampling errors' has been deleted from Unit 2 (Collection, 

Organisation and Presentation Of Data) 

Topic 'Lorenz curve—Meaning, construction and its application' has been deleted 

from Unit 3 (Statistical Tools and Interpretation) 

Topic 'Oligopoly-Meaning and features' has been deleted from Unit 7 (Forms Of Market 

and price determination under perfect Competition with Simple Application) 


A term 'Indian Economic System' has been added in Unit 6 [Development Experience (1947- 

90) and Economic Reforms since 1991]. 

Only • Institutional aspects and new agricultural strategy' will have to be taught under 

problems and policies Of agriculture in Unit 6 [Development Experience (1947-90) and 

Economic Reforms since 19911. 

Topics 'IPS-1956 and SSI-role and importance' have been added in Unit 6 [Development 

Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 19911. 

Topic 'Changes in workforce participation rate in formal and informal sectors' has been 

added in unit 7 (Current challenges facing Indian Economy). 

Er-Q11sh core-Il 


Section A: 


MCQS (1 x 6-6 


Objective Type Questions (1 x 6 = 6 marks) 

Section B: Writing and Grammar 

Speech and debate writing will be 

tested on contemporary issues. 


Debate has been added (8 

Marks Grammar (6 


Close passages have been added 

Section C 

RTC:2Questions outof3(2 

Marks) SAQs 5 Questions out of 6 

(10 Marks) 

Engnsh core-12 



Earlier 10 Marks 

Earlier 10 Marks 

Earlier 3 Questions out of 3 (3 Marks) 

Earlier 3 Questions out of 4 (9 Marks) 

Speech and debate writing will be tested on contemporary issues. 

Eng"sh md Literature_9 

A: There is no change marks wise, but MCQs included in both the passages. 

Question 3: Earlier it is Of 8 


Question 5: Gap filling 

Question 6: Editing (4 Marks) 

•u Question 7: Sentence formation 


Question 3: Not it is 10 Marks 

Question 5: Cloze passage/Gap filling/Edition 

Question 6: Dialogue writing/Reporting 

dialogue on given cues (6 Marks) 

•u Question 7: It has been deleted. 

Question 8: One out Of two extracts 

with 4 

objective questions (1 x 4 4) 


Question 7: One out of two extracts with 2 

SAQS (2 2 4) 

previously there were 11 questions but now there are 10 questions. 

Erøh Language and Literature—I O 

A: There is no change markswise, but MCQs included in both the passages. 

Section B: 


Question 3: Formal letters on 

(8 Muk8) 

Question 4; Story Writing 

Question 3: Formal letters on any given 

situation. (10 Marks) 

Question 4: Analytical paragraph based on 

Map/Charts/Reports/Line graph 
Question Gap NIhg 

Question 6: Editing 

QLE8tion 7: 

Section C: 


Question 8: Orw out of two enracts 

with 4 

questions (1 x 4 4) 

Question 5: Cloze passage/Gap filling / 


Question 6: Dialogue writing/Reporting a 

dialogue on given cues 

Question 7: It has been deleted- 

Question 7: One Out of two extracts with 2 

SAQS (2 x 2 = 4) 

previously there were 11 questions but now there are 10 questions. 


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