
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Chapter 2 The Happy Prince I class 10

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 2 The Happy Prince MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 2 The Happy Prince (Oscar Wilde) The Happy Prince Textbook Exercises The Happy Prince Vocabulary 1. Make a list of words ending in -logy. example: Ornithology Answer: List of words ending in -logy Anthropology – Physiology Biology – Radiology Cardiology – Venerology Dermatology – Zoology Geology – Gynecology Microbiology – Ophthalmology Pathology – Pharmacology II. (a) Collect the synonyms of the following words by consulting a dictionary: admire, happy, famous, lovely, see, walk, slumber. Answer: Words – Synonyms Admire – praise, appreciate, esteem Happy – pleased, delighted contented, felicitous Famous – renowned, distinguished, noted Lovely – pleasant, pretty, charming, enchanting See – look, behold, view Walk wander, stroll, tread, move Slumber – repose, nap, sleep (b) Collect the antonyms of the following wor

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 1 Goodwill i class 10 i

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 1 Goodwill MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Chapter 1 Goodwill (Yajurveda (V-S) Mp Board Class 10 English Chapter 1 Goodwill Question Answer Class 10 English Chapter 1 Goodwill Summary The divine Essence, ‘the peerless Spirit’ and ‘the deathless Flame’. are invoked in this poem. The peerless spirit resides in all creatures. It is the deathless flame in living beings. It activates the bodies to perform various actions. It is very swift and active. May that all knowing peerless spirit put the ‘will’ in the Mind (individual soul) to do only what is good. It is possible only when the Mind controls the fleshly desires. Goodwill Summary in Hindi इस कविता में दैवी तत्त्व (सार)- ‘अनुपम आत्मा’ तथा ‘मरण-रहित’ (न बुझने वाली) ज्योति की स्तुति की गई है। अनुपम आत्मा, सभी प्राणियों में निवास करती है। यह जीवित प्राणियों में अमिट (अमर) ज्वाला है। यह शरीर को कार्य करने के लिए सक्रिय करती है। यह सर्वाधिक तीव्रगत

Lesson -6 If the well goes dry Question and answer

Comprehension A. Answer in one sentence each: Question 1. How much water does the human body contain? Answer . The human body contains 71% water. Question 2. You since when has man been changing his relationship with the earth drastically? Answer . Man has been changing his relationship with the earth drastically since the industrial revolution. Question 3. Where do we get fresh water from? Answer . We get fresh water from the Earth. Question 4 what threat do rising sea levels pose to the human population? Answer . Rising sea levels pose the threat of more powerful and more frequent storms. Question 5. Where do chemical pollutants come from? Answer . Chemical pollutants come from industrial establishments. B. Answer in about 40 to 60 words each: Question 1. Why does water carry spiritual significance in most religions? (2009) Answer . Water plays a significant role in our life. Our body contains 71% of the whole human body. In most of the religions, it has a spi